One thing I will you DO DIFFERENT at home or at school as a result of workshop is to think outside the box, pay attention and write down everything, do […]

That girls can be entrepreneurs to & be in the shoes of real CEO’s and customers – Attendee of Young Entrepreneurs Workshop

What I got most inspired about my experience at Discover Me -Ability to speak openly and work together in a group & the high level of creativity, thinking outside the […]

I learnt that entrepreneurship, money is not everything and that ideas are more important.

The most important thing learned at DISCOVER ME – How to think outside the box

This camp changes your understanding at business and put you on your way to success – Participant of Inspiring Young Entrepreneur Camp

It’s a once in a lifetime experience – Attendee of Discover me Spring Camp

You will learn to be in a group and understand and accept others ideas – 11 year Old Adam

You learn things that you won’t learn anywhere else, such as the 3 C’s – Participant of Young Entrepreneur Camp.