If you feel better than other person in any relationship -be it parent child, marriage or friendship, all you are doing is projecting CONTEMPT. Criticism for long time clubbed with […]
Uncomfortable feelings
What happens when we face uncomfortable feelings like sadness, anger, or dislike? What happens when we see our loved ones facing these uncomfortable feelings? What happens when we think that […]
Does keeping information about your children sound a bit cold?
Do you “keep tabs” on each of your children? Does keeping information about your children sound a bit aloof? Is it about trust or giving a child a safe framework […]
Do you remember the last meaningful one-to-one conversation ?
Let me ask you: Do you retrieve your child’ latest report card details? If yes, then how does it compare to the one before or was it you comparing with […]
What’s the worst thing that could happen?
We, parents, are a pro in visualization of the worst possible thing that could happen to our children and we do it with tons of worrying, anxiety, and fear attached […]
How not to condition yourself with ” SHOULD & HAVE TO” ?
Have you ever felt the “SHOULD’S & HAVE TO” Syndrome? I should do it this way. I should always answer, right. I should be smart. I should not make a […]
How to gift positive self -belief to your child
Do you decide how much your child should eat, sleep, play, or study? If your child chooses a dress for a party – do you override her decision – especially […]
How To Know Your Emotions Better
Every emotion we feel is because of the thought we have. Emotions then trigger action and behavior. You can’t feel angry without a thought attached to the incident (which is […]
How not to be an outdated PARENT ?
Are you an updated or outdated PARENT? We, parents, struggle to keep up to our child’s thought process, especially during their tweens and teenage years. Partly because of the internet, […]
How to strengthen trust with your teenager ,so they share emotions with you
βHe doesn’t share with me .If he would have shared , we would have helped him out. We have been so open and free with him and have never put […]