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Teens tuning you out ? Does your nagging pushes them away?

Here's how to stop the cycle and build trust Let's connect. You’re worried. You see your teenager being what you...
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“Your Kid Might Not Be ‘HOPELESS’—They Could Just Be a Genius in Disguise!

Ever heard of Gillian Lynne? Probably not. But you’ve definitely heard of Cats and Phantom of the Opera, right? Well,...
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Can’t afford to miss on this checklist (especially when your child turns teenager)

Is My Child Abducted by Martians or Is It Just a Growth Spurt & Mood Swings?Like many parents, you might...
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Do you desire guilt-free ‘Quality Time’ with your child?

Am I a ‘Good Parent’? Am I spending enough ‘Quality Time’ with my child? Are you constantly plagued by these...
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How to motivate a teenager who doesn’t care?

Do you feel your child is lazy, unmotivated? Do you struggle to motivate a lazy teenager?  Have you ever wondered...
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Who else wants more calm & less stress in their parenting?

Do you lose your calm when your child doesn't listen to your wisdom? The reason our child rocks our calm...
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Counseling for anxious teens and tweens in Dubai – take this first step !!!

Thousands of teens now manage anxiety, who never thought they could. Thousands of children now manage exam stress who never...
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How to hold emotionally safe space for your troubled teen?

When you see a troubled teenager, do you only see behavioral and learning problems? Are you able to get a...
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4 Questions to take any relationship (parenting included) to a better emotional space

Do you feel lost in your emotional interactions within your family? Do wish for more calm in your relationships? Do...
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Teenagers are confused , but parents can help them gain clarity.

Most of the teens and tweens are confused with their thoughts about their career , their feelings and changes they...
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Navigating Exam Performance Anxiety

I struggled with performance anxiety and it crippled me during exams . While I was able to perform well in practice tests, I had panic attacks during exams which affected my results. Working with Neetu helped me shift my perspective on exam performance,helped me deal with my exam anxiety and we addresses issues related to my studies and time management. I was always crippled by thinking of future results and what if I didn't get required results and so on .She helped me navigate my unhelpful thoughts and move towards my values, what was important to me , device action steps to move towards my goals. I am glad I work with her during my most crucial school time, my final school year and now I look forward to my new upcoming university life with more confidence .

Mr Tanay
High school Student,Dubai
value focused actions

Gained an invaluable skill set-EMOTIONS REGULATION

  I had no idea abt counseling but I was in a bad place ,feeling stuck .. and I was glad Neetu could help ,connect with me and make me understand. I felt I have gained an invaluable skill set .. that being said I don’t think I am completely sorted out .. but I have been put on a path and given some tools to help me swim in the right direction This is what NEETU have taught and helped me ......

  • How to deal with the feelings and thoughts of myself.....
  • How to align and realign myself with my values....
  • How to pull myself out of the hole or the thought loop I trap myself in at times

Mr. Himesh
Financial consultant,Dubai

High-schooler social anxiety busted

Neetu helped me with my move to new school ,my social anxiety , stress of exams and understanding of the UK admissions process. I notice a reduction in my anxiety after learning and practicing Neetu's strategies. Her method of reframing my thoughts,helped me during my exams. Sessions shifted my focus from overcoming social anxiety to studying more efficiently. My social anxiety had decreased and we explored my interests and strengths. Best exercise I learned from her helped me in observational skills and intercepting information. Together we worked on my communication skills and social confidence. I was able to adjust to a new learning environment more positively, and she helped me harness my growing interest in reading and a shift towards a more positive outlook.

Ms Bela
High school student,Dubai

Beat Exam Anxiety

I was searching for help for my high schooler, who moved into new school and was reluctant to go. She was having anxiety and panic attacks due to her past experiences in her old school. After reading counseling reviews ,I connected with NEETU . Discovery session with her , assured me of going ahead and her talk with my d/o helped her calm herself before school. They worked on her adjustment to a new school environment, noting initial reluctance but with sessions ,I could see her improved demeanor and growing interest in reading. Neetu worked with her studying habits and test anxiety . I am happy to see my child’s improved emotional state and openness after sessions, with plans to continue working on her studying habits.

Ms Krishna
Homemaker,Mother of Teenager,Dubai


I and my d/o have been to other therapists as well but my husband never approved because he felt that it takes long time and makes us emotionally dependent. He believed that no need of all these things and we can manage by ourselves . I had begun sessions with the other therapist also but I never felt I have been heard and was given information and theory. When I want a session I will have definitely some problems and So I don't want just theory. Like for theory, I can read from something but it is something like somebody's ready to listen to you. Neetu gave a SAFE ,NON-JUDGEMENTAL,NON-ADVICE,NON-THEORATICAL space for HEARING ME OUT. Yeah. So that is I felt special about her. when she say something, she give metaphors, we do role plays , she give action steps to consider , So I can relate to it more. I feel like it's working for me. First thing I felt I could connect with my daughter in the sense like I try to understand that it's normal to have comfortable or uncomfortable emotions. I learned how to navigate them rather being triggered.


Understanding emotions to improve relationships

I initially had reservations about working with Neetu due to concerns about how my loved ones would perceive counseling services especially regarding the potential for perceived weakness or unnecessary dependency. However, after beginning the sessions, I felt heard and valued, which made me feel positive about the experience. My main concern was how my partner would react to the idea and the potential implications on their relationship. I had a newfound understanding of emotions and improved connection with my daughter. we worked on the challenges of making new friends and the fear associated with past experiences. I had great experience of learning to manage emotions and relationships, and the importance of mentorship and patience in understanding one's own thoughts and feelings. Now I believe that effective communication and the ability to connect with others and oneself are crucial to maintaining relationships.

Dr. R Chandra

Navigating conflicts with my tween

Met Neetu for my daughter as we were having lots of conflicts and she had anger issues . The way Neetu asks questions , helped my gain clarity of situation, under and my child better and both of us could reach a common ground. I was always worried abt her food intake and that she was missing on healthy food habits. Neetu helped me understand how good intake could be rearranged as per my child’s likings and still have the nutritional value .Her questions made me reflect on what was important to me as a parent and what fears of mine were being projected on my child whenever I was triggered . One thing she made me realize was that not everyone in family will respond in similar way and we can accept their ways before we communicate. I learned to create consistent boundaries with my child as her constant reminders in between sessions kept me on track of my parenting a journey and my triggers. I am glad I worked with Neetu to understand my child better and navigate situations in more clam way.

Ms Muskaan

Anger Issues Reframed

My mom said we have to meet some one who will help me with my anger issues and I thought of meeting Neetu I felt she listened to my frustrations rather then calling them anger issues ,she was willing to understand and I found her very flexible when she was suggesting me ways to mamage my time and diet . She helped to get on similar page as my mom especially when it came to eating food as my mom wants me to eat few things and I didn’t . She gave good options which worked for me as well as my mom .I looked forward to my weekly sessions with her and any conflicts with my mom , I shared with her , she talked with my mom and me together to not just sort out the conflict but helped me in understanding as what all could I say or do when I have any conflicting thoughts. she helped me with my anger issues by helping me reframe my reactions to anger causing situations and it worked for me . Happy to know that reframing, just changing words, can work so well.

11 year old,Bhuvee

Out of my comfort zone

It was easy to open up to you but along the way your objective view of looking at things without letting emotion clouding one's thought helped me immensely as I could accept things better and apply the objectivity to my problems. You helped me feel connected to my writer's side.Really grateful for your patience and belief that I had it in me to achieve something helped me come out my comfort zone. Yes Life is tough ...even now struggling with Son’s deteriorating health ,for past one month he is in constant pain not able to eat ,extremely difficult to see his suffering but your grounding techniques help me to come to terms with how much I can or cannot do . This too shall pass ..and I can find ways to deal with this though being in touch with my creative side.So many many hanks once again. Blessed to have you in my life Neetu as a guide and a wonderful human being 🤗🤗😘😘

Ms Mani
Homemaker/ NOW writer,Mumbai,INDIA

Unexpected yet so very thought provoking SESSIONS

My perception before going to Neetu was that as a parent I am always right and my child needs counselling. Once I had my sessions with Neetu I realized it was not my child but I who needed help. I was reluctant at seeking help because I assumed I was always right, which I now realise is not true. There's no right or wrong, Neetu helps to open up your mind and really give difficult situations a thought. Neetu has been instrumental in changing my perception of parenting in a brilliant way. Being a parent, I wanted everything done my way( as i knew and they are just kids ) not realizing that the child you are dealing with is a human too. Neetu's gentle nudge helped me realize it was not all about me. Hands down the best parenting advise I got from her was give your child the freedom to think and dream. Stuck in my ways, I was not letting my child think for herself. Through her sessions, Neetu reversed some very difficult questions She asked her back to me! That was unexpected yet so very thought provoking. The realization that you can be your child's parent and their mentor was a huge moment for me.

Hopitality Manager,London,UK

Single Parenthood

"Neetu Shah is a very skilled and an amazing Counselor and Life coach. Her sessions are quite affordable as well. I have been taking sessions with her and it has helped me tremendously in overcoming my fears, organizing my thoughts and streamlining my actions and habits as a parent and most importantly as a human being. She is turning my journey; of self exploration, parenting and of putting life learned lessons to work; into a creative form of art which is thoroughly refreshing and empowering.". -- Khadija.ab

Deeper level of consciousness

I was in awe of Neetu's ability to make me feel so comfortable to share the most intimate details of my life with her and having her take it one step at a time when dealing with my emotions. I admire her ability to guide you to think for yourself and to get you to answer your concerns by helping you see your life from a deeper level of consciousness. She has helped me shape my life story in a way that has given me tremendous amounts of hope for who I am today and what I want to be in the future. With all my gratitude, Zahra Bagat

Legal Dept ,Pepsi / Pepsi ,Dubai

Conscious Parenting Coaching

" Hi Neetu , I felt good after talking to you ,it was like opening of new window ,new thinking process . " - Ms. Anna

Conscious Parenting Coaching

" Hi Neetu,Yesterday after our parenting session ,when I reached home ,I felt at peace with myself and my mind. Just Sharing my experiences with you. I still feel good today. Thank you for your help and advice ." Mrs. K. S .

Thank you. I really appreciate what you did with Ahmed. And I hope all my kids participate next time. - Ahmed’s Mom

One of the places, my daughter looks forward to going - Manisha, mother of 10 year old

The thing I want to change about workshop is to have more days and more activities

What I like best about workshops is the challenges and games - 11 Year old Ahmed

It helped improve my presentation skills as well as make me change the way I think

One thing that I will do differently after camp is to be more respectful & work together to present your ideas properly

One thing I will you DO DIFFERENT at home or at school as a result of workshop is to think outside the box, pay attention and write down everything, do more work, show more respect to my team master.

That girls can be entrepreneurs to & be in the shoes of real CEO’s and customers - Attendee of Young Entrepreneurs Workshop

What I got most inspired about my experience at Discover Me -Ability to speak openly and work together in a group & the high level of creativity, thinking outside the box

I learnt that entrepreneurship, money is not everything and that ideas are more important.

The most important thing learned at DISCOVER ME - How to think outside the box

This camp changes your understanding at business and put you on your way to success - Participant of Inspiring Young Entrepreneur Camp

It’s a once in a lifetime experience - Attendee of Discover me Spring Camp

You will learn to be in a group and understand and accept others ideas - 11 year Old Adam

You learn things that you won’t learn anywhere else, such as the 3 C’s - Participant of Young Entrepreneur Camp.